Waverley City Archers Inc.

About Waverley City Archers Inc.

Waverley City Archers has approximately 200 members members, both male and female with ages ranging from 10-89. The club operates in an area provided through the City of Monash. Members shoot on most days of the week and compete in Club, Inter-Club, State, National and International events.

The club has a number of Visually Impaired members who require the assistance of 'spotters', who need to help them set up targets, advise on arrow replacement and assist in scoring and the recovery of arrows. These archers do shoot on weekends but also need to practice during the week to improve their skills. They are flexible with regards to days and times. A job description can be provided.


Freeway Reserve (East)
Mulgrave VIC 3170

Local VRC: GoVolunteer