Helena River Catchment Group Inc

About Helena River Catchment Group Inc

The volunteers of the Helena River Catchment Group work to the following objectives:
- Maintain and improve water quality in the catchment.
- Improve the management of remnant vegetation, and to plan and target revegetation in the catchment to benefit biodiversity and habitat and improve water quality.
- Protect our resources and environment through improved land management.
- Increase awareness of catchment management in order to maintain and improve environmental qualities.
- Advocate environmentally sensitive planning by Local, State and Federal Governments.
- Protect the catchment and waterways through management and practices that balance Aboriginal heritage issues, recreation needs and accessibility.
- Promote environmental education in the catchment.
- Improve the ecosystems of the Helena River catchment to ensure its sustainability.


PO Box 99
Glen Forrest WA 6071

Local VRC: City of Swan - Swan Volunteer Resource Centre