Brain Injury SA Logo

Brain Injury SA

About Brain Injury SA

Brain Injury SA is a peak body and service provider that specialises in supporting people with acquired brain injury (ABI) whatever their situation, to embrace life after brain injury.

We do this by offering a person-driven, interdisciplinary approach – where the person is at the centre of all goal setting and decision-making in their recovery journey.

Brain Injury SA also has a wider role within the community as an advocative voice that aims to influence at a state and national level for systemic change, as well as offering individual advocacy support to people with an ABI.

Brain Injury SA is governed by a volunteer board, comprised of people with a range of backgrounds and skills that are committed to Brain Injury SA’s aims and objectives. The Board is responsible for Brain Injury SA’s strategic directions and operational priorities.


70 Light Square, Adelaide
Adelaide SA 5000

Local VRC: Volunteering SA&NT