
About Befriend

We’re includers. We live by that thing your Mum always told you; treat others how you’d like to be treated. We believe that every life matters, every person has value, and that we are stronger together. Befriend is more than just a way to meet up; it’s a movement of togetherness.

We’ve been sensing what you’re feeling; a world that seems to be becoming increasingly disconnected and divided. That’s not the sort of world we want to live in, so we started Befriend to do something pretty simple - To bring people together.

We believe that the fabric of strong communities is woven with relationships, connections between people from different backgrounds and walks of life, people of all ages and abilities, people new to a place, people at all stages of life. It is through our connections to each other that we can bridge all divides, and tackle any issue that life throws at us. Stronger, together.


St. Catherine's College, 2 Park Road
Crawley WA 6009

Local VRC: Armadale Volunteer Services