Ardoch Logo


Melbourne, VIC Education & Training
Ph: 03 9537 2414

About Ardoch

One in three children facing disadvantage starts school developmentally behind their peers. As a national, not-for-profit organisation, Ardoch seeks to address this gap by offering educational programs that build children and young people’s confidence, aspirations, social skills and wellbeing. These are essential elements for enabling full engagement in education and a love of learning. Engagement in education is the key to opening future pathways and possibilities. Without it, the cycle of disadvantage and inequity continues.
Our vision is that every child’s potential is realised through full participation in education. This belief inspires us to increase engagement in education, build aspirations and enhance learning outcomes of children in disadvantaged communities. We mobilise community and workplace volunteers to support schools.


Level 4, 85 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

[email protected]

Local VRC: Boroondara Volunteer Resource Centre