About Each

EACH has four sites in Knox including Knox Social and Community Health who merged with EACH in 2014. By combining our deep community ties to collaborate we are building stronger integrated health services for the community and strengthening our resources to reach those who are most in need.
EACH is a Health Promoting Health Service

EACH is one of only a handful of World Health Organisation approved Health Promoting Health Services in Australia. A health promoting health service recognises that that good heath is about more than just treating sick people. EACH works towards improving the health of people in our community, our clients and our own staff, members and volunteers.

Read more about Health Promoting Health Services at http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/en/ or view examples of the work being undertaken by EACH to promote better health at http://www.each.com.au/health-promotion/


254 Canterbury Road
Bayswater VIC 3153

Local VRC: Volunteer for Knox