Help & Support for GoVolunteer app and website

Information for users

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


GoVolunteer is an initiative of Volunteering Australia. Our aim is to match people who are interested in volunteering with appropriate volunteering opportunities. The website uses a national database of volunteering opportunities. These are listed by volunteering involving organisations, Volunteer Resource Centres and State Volunteer Centres.

The GoVolunteer website is an initiative of Volunteering Australia, in partnership with SEEK and Boston Consulting Group.

Volunteering Australia, along with the State Volunteer Centres, help manage the data contained in the database. This data is provided by a number of contributors including volunteering involving organisations, Volunteer Resource Centres and State Volunteer Centres.

Support and future development of the website and database is being provided by Volunteering WA through funding from Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet along with some in-kind support from SEEK and web developers Eduka.

Getting Help

If we have not been able to answer your questions here then please feel free to contact us.

We'll endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.


No. There are no charges to use GoVolunteer and search for volunteer opportunities.

No, you don't have to register.

The Volunteer Profile gives you a simple way to keep a record of all your volunteering activity. It also recommends opportunities based on your interests and allows you to express interest in them.

Searching & Applying

Some people know what they want to do and some prefer to browse through options. Our search function is designed to be both flexible and easy to use. There are a number of ways you can search for volunteer opportunities. You can search by using a keyword, how much time you can spare, location, cause or the type of volunteering you’d like to do on our homepage. You can also use the ‘more options’ link to mix and match your search and be really specific. If you want something close to home or work then our super smart map is the way to go. Just zoom in on your chosen area and you’ll see pinned volunteer opportunities.

Once you have found a volunteer opportunity you are interested in click on the ‘Express Interest’ button. You then fill in the short form and click ‘Send’. The organisation then receives an email with your details and should contact you.

This depends on the volunteer involving organisation who is listing the position. Some organisations only have part time staff/volunteers. If you haven’t heard anything at all from them after one week then we recommend you contact them directly.

Yes, we understand that there may be a few that you are interested in learning more about. However, there is a limit to how many you can express interest in at one time. We recommend you choose your top two or three and then wait to hear back from them. This limit is in place to prevent organisations becoming overloaded with expressions of interest and to help you prioritise your selections.

Your personal details are passed on to the organisation who listed the position you have expressed interest in and a copy kept on our records. We do not share your details with anyone else. For more information please read our privacy statement.

Your expression of interest goes directly to the volunteering organisation. The response to your application depends on them. If you have any questions, follow up with the organisation you applied to.

GoVolunteer Mobile App

The app is currently available on iOS 7 and above, and is currently in development for Android.

An account is not required to use the search and recommendation functions. If you wish to express interest in an opportunity, or shortlist more than five opportunities, you will need to create an account.

No. Just like the GoVolunteer web service, the mobile app is completely free to download. An internet connection is required to use the app, so there may be an incidental cost for data usage from your service provider.

The app is approximately 20MB for the initial download, and uses a very small amount of data. To check how much data the app is using, look in your device's data usage settings.

Posting & Updating

Please contact us and we will be able to assist you further.

Login and click the 'Post an opportunity' button, complete all the required fields and then click the 'Post' button.

Login and you will see the number of active opportunities you have listed. Click on this number and then select the position you wish to amend or remove. To remove the opportunity click the 'Make it inactive' button at the top of the page. To amend the opportunity make the relevant changes and then click the 'Save' button at the top of the page.

You can login on the Find Volunteers page - take me there.

If you haven't used the site recently or if you haven't kept your insurance details up to date then we may need to send you a new login. In some cases you may need to register again. Please contact us and we will be able to assist you further.

Contact information for all other enquiries

If you have a general question about GoVolunteer please view our contact details