Womens and Girls Emergency Centre Inc (WAGEC)

About Womens and Girls Emergency Centre Inc (WAGEC)

Women's & Girls' Emergency Centre is a support service for women with or without children who are at risk or experiencing homelessness in the Inner City of Sydney.

We provide access to basic necessities such as food, material and social assistance, a safe space, and a place to create community. We also provide case management services to assistance women to access housing, medical, drug and alcohol, mental health, legal and other services.

The women we support are predominantly long term homeless women, who have little family and community support. Many of the women have lived transient lifestyles impacted by issues such as domestic violence; history of sexual assault; mental health; drug and alcohol use, and come from a variety of diverse backgrounds.


174 Redfern Street
Redfern NSW 2016

Local VRC: GoVolunteer