Radio Lollipop Brisbane Logo

Radio Lollipop Brisbane

South Brisbane, QLD Young People
Ph: (07) 30683000

About Radio Lollipop Brisbane

At Lady Cilento Children's Hospital and Mater Private Children`s, volunteers run fully equipped radio stations, visit children at their bedsides, involve them and their families in play activities and use the magic of radio when they need it most.

At Logan Hospital we operate a satellite station that connects with our broadcast centres and offers ward-visiting, play and entertainment to children.

Radio Lollipop programs are child-focused, filled with games and activities that encourage children to use their imaginations.

As part of our live show music is broadcast into the child's room and announcers take requests and put kids on air from their bedside or in the studio. Equally important is the work the volunteers do at the bedside, playing games, creating craft and running competitions.

Radio Lollipop in Queensland operates the following hours:

Lady Cilento/Mater Children's Hospitals
Monday - Friday from 5pm - 7:45pm
Saturday from 9am - 11:45am

Logan Hospital
Saturdays from 9am - 11:45am
Tuesdays from 5pm - 7:45pm

Mission Statement:

Radio Lollipop is a unique and exciting charity dedicated to providing care, comfort, play and entertainment to children in hospital


501 Stanley Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101

[email protected]

Local VRC: GoVolunteer